Write more..grade less

Makey-makey, rasberry pies, spheros, 3-d printers, robots, virtual reality...it must mean the Maker Space is open for business again. I want to thank Greg for giving tours to all of the 5th grade classrooms earlier in the week. Teachers please remember to use your discretion as far as sending during study skills classes. HW should come first. Mr. Johnson will aslo be joining our rank of parent volunteers in the Maker Space very soon.
Online courses taught by experst in the field. Master Class gives you lifetime access to 15-25 full lessons in a particular field taught by an expert along with a student workbook and other lesson materials. Perfect gift for someone who is looking to improve their skill in their career field or passion/hobby. Some examples are Judy Blume teaching a course on writing, Martin Scorcese on directing, Gordon Ramsey on cooking, Herbie Hancock on Jazz, or Steve Martin on Comedy. Cost $90 but you can see free previews.
Last reminder to have all of your growth goals and alternative eval forms into my mailbox by Monday morning.
Using Science to help you accomplish anything.

Bill had students doing how-to presentations on different line-dances, Mrs. Dunne meanwhile was taking over the multi so her studenst could spread out doing My Perspectives group work, Megan showing annotation to students, Sherry using hallway space for her students lego cars, April going over keyboard and note writing/reading skills, Chris modeling multiplying fractions skills, and Melissa F doing a paper bag science experiment. These are just some of the classes I was able to "pop into" this week. How awesome would it be for teachers to been able to see some of these lessons by teachers. Take a risk...post something on the Pinneaple Chart....or go visit a class on the pinneaple chart.
What Growth Mindset teaches us about our brains. https://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2015/12/29/beyond-working-hard-what-growth-mindset-teaches-us-about-our-brains/

Mr. Turek and the Benjamin Band will be at the West Chicago Football Game tonight representing our school proudly as they play during the pre-game festivities.
One thing that is at the root of effective ledership.

Keriann has been a super teacher this last week, putting in extra effort to work through all of the math problems in the new Pearson program and communicating mistakes to the company, working with students individually, differentiating in the class for students ahead of the pace and putting up notes in canvas so students did not have to write them on their own. I was tired just watching her teach her class this week when I popped in.
15 Favorite quotes from the Fish Philosophy

Just a reminder that the District Foundation Fall Fest is coming up from on Sunday, October 22nd. It's a great time if you have any time to come out. They will also be looking for bake sale items. I'll be cooking hotdogs with Dr. Ehrhardt and Tim if you get hungry.
Leonardo DaVinci's visionary notebooks, 570 pages digitized.
Thanks to the 6th grade team for bringing in the Scarce people for a great presentation 3rd period today.
Active Listening takeaways for Teachers

Thanks to Marcia and Jignasa for keeping up with our very active health office this week.
How to get smarter by reading.

Have you joined the PTA yet? As of the last meeting about half of our staff had joined. Best $5 dollars you will ever spend as they do a great job supporting our teachers. The form can be found on the PTA link on our website.
"The world is changed by your example not by your opinion."
Paulo Coelho
"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world"
Ludwig Wittgenstein

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