Friday, September 29, 2017


Jessica was sent White Sox gear from the White Sox organization for her Twitter posts of her already decked out White Sox classroom.  How awesome for her students to see social media used in a positive way.

Write more..grade less
A teacher marks student writing at his desk.

Makey-makey,  rasberry pies, spheros, 3-d printers, robots, virtual must mean the Maker Space is open for business again.  I want to thank Greg for giving tours to all of the 5th grade classrooms earlier in the week.  Teachers please remember to use your discretion  as far as sending during study skills classes.  HW should come first.  Mr. Johnson will aslo be joining our rank of parent volunteers in the Maker Space very soon.

Online courses taught by experst in the field.  Master Class gives you lifetime access to 15-25 full lessons in a particular field taught by an expert along with a student workbook and other lesson materials.  Perfect gift for someone who is looking to improve their skill in their career field or passion/hobby.  Some examples are Judy Blume teaching a course on writing, Martin Scorcese on directing, Gordon Ramsey on cooking, Herbie Hancock on Jazz, or Steve Martin on Comedy.  Cost $90 but you can see free previews.

Last reminder to have all of your growth goals and alternative eval forms into my mailbox by Monday morning.

Using Science to help you accomplish anything.

Bill had students doing how-to presentations on different line-dances, Mrs. Dunne meanwhile was taking over the multi so her studenst could spread out doing My Perspectives group work, Megan showing annotation to students, Sherry using hallway space for her students lego cars, April going over keyboard and note writing/reading skills, Chris modeling multiplying fractions skills, and Melissa F doing a paper bag science experiment.  These are just some of the classes I was able to "pop into" this week.  How awesome would it be for teachers to been able to see some of these lessons by teachers.  Take a something on the Pinneaple Chart....or go visit a class on the pinneaple chart.

What Growth Mindset teaches us about our brains.

Mr. Turek and the Benjamin Band will be at the West Chicago Football Game tonight representing our school proudly as they play during the pre-game festivities.

One thing that is at the root of effective ledership.

Keriann has been a super teacher this last week, putting in extra effort to work through all of the math problems in the new Pearson program and communicating mistakes to the company, working with students individually, differentiating in the class for students ahead of the pace and putting up notes in canvas so students did not have to write them on their own.  I was tired just watching her teach her class this week when I popped in.

15 Favorite quotes from the Fish Philosophy

Just a reminder that the District Foundation Fall Fest is coming up from on Sunday, October 22nd.  It's a great time if you have any time to come out.  They will also be looking for bake sale items.  I'll be cooking hotdogs with Dr. Ehrhardt and Tim if you get hungry.

Leonardo DaVinci's visionary notebooks, 570 pages digitized.

Thanks to the 6th grade team for bringing in the Scarce people for a great presentation 3rd period today.

Active Listening takeaways for Teachers
Colorful cartoon illustration of two groups of people listening to each other

Thanks to Marcia and Jignasa for keeping up with our very active health office this week.

How to get smarter by reading.
The Buffett Formula

Have you joined the PTA yet? As of the last meeting about half of our staff had joined.  Best $5 dollars you will ever spend as they do a great job supporting our teachers.  The form can be found on the PTA link on our website.

"The world is changed by your example not by your opinion."
Paulo Coelho

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world"
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Friday, September 22, 2017


Learning is not a spectator sport..from Carnegie Mellon University>

I would like to thank all the social studies teachers for meeting with me and articulating how our curriculum fits with the new social studies standards as well as possible ways to move forward.

How to follow your passion.
Photo published for A Brutal Truth About Following Your Passion and Doing What You Love That Few People Admit

Sherry's students had the Rube Goldberg machines in action again this week. It's always amazing to see the contraptions students come up with.

Life imitating art.

Megan D. set up this very attractive and inviting learning environment for her students.

Important and relevant for middle school & high school faculty, parents and students.
A photo of a teen holding up a phone with a picture of herself

Betty did a great job of hanging up motivational posters all over the building. Even having her students making some of them.

Thanks to MJ for riding the Septran bus with one of our students this week.  It has been interesting.  

Two rules for Success.

Congratulations to Laura P on her upcoming wedding and thanks to social committee for having the celebration yesterday during lunches

A classroom full of Risk-takers.
Four crumpled balls of paper and a lit light bulb illustrate the idea that success comes after failures.

Pineapple Chart is coming your way soon.  The pineapple is a symbol of hospitality which represents you being hospitable by inviting other teachers into your classroom.  Thanks to Melissa for working on this great idea and for the treat connected to it that will be in the lounge this morning.

How to Study Smarter..

Friday, September 15, 2017


Please make sure that you complete your health training modules for Marcia on Canvas.

The power of a Genius Hour: 1. Students generate a fresh question. 2. Create something cool. 3. Share it.

PTA will be having a membership contest based on your homeroom classes.  More details to follow soon.  They are also selling spirit wear which you can find at this link.

What do students learn from live theater...turns out quite a lot.

Thanks to April for also putting together a Benjamin Spirit Wear order. Order at the link below.

Helping Children Succeed Paul Tough

Thanks to Melissa for organizing the bus evacuation drill today.  It starts at 8:40am this morning.

Please let me know if you have any questions about student growth goals or the evaluation cycle.  I'm ready to set up formal observations for people doing the traditional evaluation.

People are Breaking Out...Sherry Anderson will be doing a digital breakout with her 6th and 8th period classes today and Keriann just purchased a breakout kit for her class.  Find out more about BreakOut EDU at

No Raccoon Left Behind    #NRLB

More FiSH rewards have been ordered and should be arriving soon.  Please make sure you are handing out Fish slips to well deserving students who are displaying the concepts of Play, Be There, Make Their Day, and Choose Your Attitude.

Thanks to Gail for beginning the check-in check out procedures with the identified group of students.  This really helps get these students turned around.

Jessica E. teaching Students to Set Goals:

Social Studies Teachers please remember to review the new standards before our meeting on Wednesday.

The Pineapple Chart is Ready!  Melissa will be sending out an email with the explanation of what a pineapple chart is and then you can start filling out the chart in the lounge.  I look forward to seeing teachers learning and observing each other.

The same pattern of thinking that has gotten us to where we are now will not get us to where we want to go. 🔑

Friday, September 8, 2017


Thanks for bearing with me and my allergies for my underwhelming presentation overview of Creative Schools by Ken Robinson at our Learning meeting.  Notes will be coming soon, but one of our takeaways about measuring growth in different ways can be done through this portfolio website Fresh Grade or through Canvas in their portfolio option.

Student Capturing 2500x800

I am looking forward to getting hit by chocolate pies today during each of the recess periods.  Thanks to Mrs. Pasker, Michelle and Kathy for organizing the event with the book fair fundraiser.

The Fake Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck
Photo published for Carol Dweck Explains The ‘False’ Growth Mindset That Worries Her

Megan P is tearing it up on twitter, highlighting some of her classes achievements and adventures.  You can follow her @peterson2teachU

Every moment spent in the classroom has an opportunity for growth:

Thanks to everyone who has turned in their summer curriculum work.  If you have not done so already, please do so soon.

Matthew Turek did a great job at the beginning band meeting tonight, getting students and parents excited about playing music. Corey was on hand to help out with his Tuba skills and we had 3 Benjamin Alum helping students as well.  

30 behaviors that will make you unstoppable.
Photo published for 30 Behaviors That Will Make You Unstoppable – Thrive Global

Thanks to Nicole for sending out the data summaries for our grade level meetings yesterday and to Kim for getting the letters out to parents.  I appreciate the time and effort everyone pours into those meetings to do what is best for all students.  Also, just a reminder to all teachers that a parent should be called any and every time their child is receiving a failing grade in your class.

10 wordless videos to teach problem solving.

What generosity was shown for our Hurricane Harvey charity drive.  The guys filled up the van and was able to deliver the donations to the truck going to Texas.  Special thanks to Melissa for organizing this under Operation Bengal Care.

If you are feeling smart this morning, a good, but lengthy and complicated article on thought experiments:

I was able to get in a few classrooms this week, Mark B had his students engaged at the highest level as students first watched as he started writing two unnamed lists on the overhead.  The more he added the kids tried to figure out what they could add to each column until they could name the lists.  Student brain power was working overtime!  This is just one example of the great work you guys are doing everyday in the classroom.  Thank you!

There is some great work up in the hallways.  Danielle's Bio's, Colleen and Lauren's Bio Poems, Chris's Ways We Use Math, Melissa's Helping Hands, and April's Airplanes and Data Posters are just some of the great examples of student products created in these first few weeks of school.

The slow death of the electric guitar and why you should care:
Photo published for The slow, secret death of the electric guitar. And why you should care.

Just a reminder of the agenda of our two upcoming Wednesday Meetings:
Wednesday September 13th Early Release 1:45-4:00pm  Student Growth Goals (I will be available for individual meetings with teachers as well as teachers working on their own to finish writing your student growth goals.  
Wednesday September 20th  Subject Area Meetings  Social Studies Teachers Meeting 1: Analyzing Illinois Social Studies Learning Standards/compare curriculum 2:45-3:45pm

Radiolab Podcast on two new technologies in our near future that can have scary repercussions.  Listen to when you have about 30 minutes...educational and entertaining, I promise

Grade level Team please return the PARCC individual scores to the office so we can get them sent out to parents.  There will be a copy made for the individual student record that you can access at any time.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."  Mark Twain