Thursday, May 25, 2017


Congratulations to Mr. Tylk, Mrs. Milner, Mr. Wadman, Mr. Anderson, Ms. Adams and Mrs. Moore for presenting the sports awards last night to our track and soccer athletes.

Im very excited for the all school picnic and the recess relay today.  Huge thanks to Lauren and Jessica for all of the work that went into today's event and working with our NJHS students to support a very worthy cause.

Great List:  43 websites to learn something.

Great 11 minute talk on time management in work and life:

Thanks to Greg, Chris F, Mr. Johnson, and Sherry for working our summer stem camp.  This will give a new and exciting experience for our students.

Thanks to MJ, Betty and Jenny for working summer school this year.

Talk about a life long learner  Howard Gardner starts a new blog called " Life Long Learning: A Blog in Education

Really Great Article on life and creative integrity from the creator of Calvin and Hobbs:
Photo published for May 20, 1990: Advice on Life and Creative Integrity from Calvin and Hobbes Creator Bill Watterson
Thanks to Michelle and Chris for presenting the summer math and reading programs to the 4th graders over at Evergreen.

Thanks to all of the 8th grade and special teachers who helped with graduation practice yesterday.

Neil Gaiman Commencement Speech.  Make Good Art.

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