Friday, December 16, 2016


A huge thank you to Karen for organizing, setting up, decorating, and taking down the big district breakfast today.  I heard many comments on how nice the multi looked today!

Thanks to Sherry for organizing a cultural event in her class today, Not only did the kids get to eat the homemade tamales, but they got to learn about the process to make it and had moms in the room to serve them.

Band and Choir sounded nothing short of phenomenal Tuesday Evening.  Big props go out to Mrs. Lamantia and Mr. Turek for inspiring the love of music in our students!

Duck it's a Flying Drone! Thanks to Angela for setting up a coding drone station in the imsa flight class.  Students took turns in groups trying to fly it through a hula hoop by using code.  Kids had a blast and there was only one major injury....JK:)

Thanks to Victoria W for doing a great job Student Teaching with MJ, we appreciate all the help you have given our students!

Basketball is on a roll.  Dan and Matt Tylk have done a great job of working with the boys on fundamentals and we are starting to see improved play and a few W's.

Just a reminder that we have a learning meeting on the wednesday we get back from break.

Thanks to Jessica for another excellent edition of the tiger Tiger Times, and for setting up a skype with another newspaper club from California.  that club sought us out because of the quality of our paper.  

Thanks to Megan Dusing...for encouraging Nicole and Jackie to write the wonderful story "The Holiday Barbeque Sauce Miracle" which is in the Tiger Times this week. I strongly suggest you read it as Nicole put it.  "It is going to make us famous "

I hope everyone enjoys the holiday break.  I thank you for your gift and hope you enjoy a small token of my appreciation that was in your mailbox this morning.

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