Friday, October 28, 2016


I hope everyone gives a welcome to Marisa Nichols who is our new teaching assistant.  She is an Evergreen and Benjamin(2001) alumni and among other things has worked teaching English in South Korea.  We are happy to have her on our team.

Meemic Foundation & Jan Stauber grants help Ben25 middle schoolers uncover Internet Mysteries w/ help of Sherlock Holmes' novels. Thanks Michelle F!

I can't wait for the 5/6 grade talent show today.  I know the kids, Lynette and Chris have worked very hard to put on a great show for everyone.  Also thanks to Danielle and Melissa for putting together and organizing the sound system.

Speaking of today's assembly, I know that we have had two author visits, the talent show and will have Veterans Day Assembly and the Red Ribbon Assembly packed in in a small period of time. I appreciate everyone's willingness to come together for these learning opportunities/shared experiences.  I know that we have to be respectful of learning time, but at the same time balance that with what the students are learning in the assemblies while still maintaining a schedule where students get all of their classes on a shortened schedule.  We have a pretty established schedule of assemblies and in the future I will try to provide any additional opportunities to grade levels with their input.  The second author visit is an example of something we don't normally have and could have been presented for certain grade levels and not the whole school.  Thank you for your patience and your commitment to academic excellence.

How Writing Novels expands Student expectations
A Kenilworth Junior High School student works on his novel during National Novel Writing Month.
Thanks to Bill Wadman, Danielle DeChristopher, Rich Feffer, Dan Baker, Cody Anderson and Matt Tylk for recognizing our student athletes at the Fall Awards night this past Wednesday.  The students really appreciate it.  Special thanks to Keriann Moore for organizing everything to run smoothly.

Kids can create their own Graphic Novels with this cool tool.

Thanks to Matthew Turek for securing two Timpani's (large drums for us non-band folks) from WCHS as well as securing a clarinet clinic at District 33. Both of these opportunities spawn from Mr. Turek's willingness to reach out and collaborate with other schools to help our students.

Thanks to Melissa L for bringing in Michael Miles, professional musician to play and teach our music classes.  I was able to sit in on the 8th grade lesson and was surprised to see the amount of questions they asked and their willingness to participate enthusiastically.  I know Melissa sends out an invite for teachers to come and sit down, next trimester give this some consideration as he is here all day.

A little humor.  How to be late for work video.  Not that we see any of these in the office.

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