Coach Courtney, Bill, Valerie and Abby had their hands full with our large track team today. It was great to see so many students involved in physical activity and competition with a ton of parents and relatives looking on.
The eighth grade teachers and students will be enjoying the confines of Wrigley Field today as they take the students on their reward trip. Thanks for setting up such a great reward for these students.
The 6th grade team just finished a wonderful presentation from the San Diego that tied in with their endangered animal unit. Having experts talk to the students helps to engage and reinforce the content!
Thanks to Ellen for manning the office solo in Pat's absence, there are a lot of things that have to get done behind the scenes to make the school function smoothly. Michelle has also done a wonderful job of helping out when needed, thanks!
A big thank you to Greg for doing the thankless job of communicating what we need to know to be prepared for PARCC. A lot of time and effort went into this process and we appreciate it....and will give him full blame if anything goes wrong :)
Alex Anderson and Colleen Morgan are taking the student council to convention today and into the weekend. They will be recognized as an honor council which is a reflection of the students and the sponsors hard work and dedication this year. Thanks for representing our school so well.
Jessica Erickson will be leading some of our enrichment students to the University of Wisconsin-Madison for the Engineering Expo. This will be a great experience for these students. Special thanks to all of the staff members who are chaperoning these trips that go into evenings and weekends. If it wasn't for your dedication all of these students would miss some great learning opportunities.
Thanks to Lyn, Melissa LaMantia and Danielle who all came to the school board meeting to recognize parents and students for their contributions to the arts programs at Benjamin.
Thanks to the 5th grade team for providing the scrumptious lunch yesterday for birthday treats. It is great when staff can gather to laugh and bond over food and great discussion.
I am looking forward to Red, White and Beautiful Wednesday evening. This will be a great showcase for our students talents.
Good audio/weblink on the importance of a network.

For all my tech risk takers...this might be something worth exploring from Microsoft and Onenote which is on all of our devices. Check out the link and the video.
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