Friday, March 11, 2016


Thanks to Keriann for all of the hard work she is doing to organize the BB Tournament this weekend.  Also good luck to Coach Tylk, Baker and Feffer for our Varsity and JV Teams.

5 Non-Negotiables for Professional Development

The PTA is looking for a few brave souls to work their McDonald's Fundraiser on April 22nd.  The awesome 7-8pm shift is available. You can then mark "drive-thru" off of your bucket list.  Please see me if you have any questions.

Don't forget to sign up in the lunge for our St. Patrick's Day Feast.

Project based learning using Disney Movies:
Illustration of a familiar mouse

We will have our compliance visit on Monday or Tuesday of Next Week .  All that means for you is that you will see me walking around school with someone.  Karen O and Pat did a tremendous amount of work to get us ready for this visit.  Thank You!

Thanks to Jen and Lynette for bringing in a variety of speakers to help out with the health curriculum.

Good site for covering the Presidential Election for Students:
Image result for presidential election

What are the 21st Century Skills that Students Need:
Image result for 21st century skills cartoon

 Thanks to Ellen for organizing the Newsletter every month...and for holding off going to the my article comes in  at the last minute.  Here is my article which covers the "Choose Your Attitude" concept of Fish
Fish Focus:  The Power to Choose.

As we embark on our initial journey with the Fish Philosophy this year, I thought I would spend time giving a more in-depth look at one of the core principles of FISH, which is the concept of Choose Your Attitude. 
Every day we choose our attitudes and just like when we choose our clothes for the day, some attitudes and outfits are going to work out better than others.  Our attitude can change the way we perform as well as how we are perceived by others.  It is easy to blame others for our attitudes.  “He made me angry!” or “She didn’t leave me a choice!” are examples of how we can shift the blame for our attitudes from ourselves to those around us.  The truth is, that we cannot always control what happens to us throughout the day, but we can always control how we respond to those situations. 
It is important to realize that Choose Your Attitude is not a command, it is about awareness.  The attitude that a student or teacher chooses is a choice that they alone can make and they also have to realize that with that choice they are taking responsibility for how the rest of the day unfolds in response to their choice. 
At times, choosing attitudes of anger, disappointment or sorrow are not only appropriate but healthy.  The world is not a continuous series of sunshine and roses and as a school we are not looking for everyone to put on a happy face and accept the outlook that is “officially” accepted.  We just want students and teachers to own their decision and to have reasons why they are feeling the way they do. 
A Simple Choice:
Finally, we want students and teachers to realize that you do not have to choose your attitude for an entire day. We have hundreds of chances every day to turn the ship around and to choose our attitude for the situation.  It takes just as much effort to be in a bad mood as it does to be in a good mood.  As one of the Fishmongers said in the Fish movie; “It’s a simple choice”, if things are not going your way, take a second, focus, and make a decision on how you are going to change your attitude.  As an educator, I know that I am not perfect and make a lot of mistakes, but I also know that every interaction that I have is an opportunity to make a positive impact on those around me. I’m going to do my best to not let circumstances be an obstacle in the way of making those connections that also have a domino effect on those around me.  I’ll end this newsletter with the words that I end the announcement with every day as part of our Words of Wisdom.  Make it a great day….or not, the choice is yours.

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