I have been impressed with Megan D since she has been sharing time between Benjamin and Evergreen this year. Her knowledge and expertise really comes through in PST and parent meetings.
Big list of Class Discussion Questions: (Lots of ideas here)

Starting on Monday all students will be asked to leave through the front door as they exit the building at dismissal. This will improve our safety procedures, but I'm sure there will be a learning curve until it becomes habit.
Don't forget to submit your Foundation Grant and also give consideration to participating and or volunteering an experience for the Trivia Night on March 5th.
Parent's Guide to helping their child study Good advice(not sure about the super hero letter)
It was very nice for the PTA to send out the teacher items needed letter, they do so much for our school. At the same time they should be re sending the McDonald letter where they are giving you a chance to fulfill a lifelong dream of working behind the counter at a McDonald's, just like those cool kids on TV!
If you have not checked out our students Bookface entries yet, they are in the LMC window and are pretty spectacular. Thanks Michelle for being creative to engage students in books.
A collection of Project Based Learning End Products
To everyone who has been piloting student growth, Feb 1 was the deadline for turning in your data, but no worries, that is why it is a pilot, no penalty. Please set up an appointment to turn it in. I also attended a worthwhile conference on student growth this week. I will bring back that information to our student growth committee. By bringing back this information and what we are learning through the pilot we will be well prepared when we implement this model for real next year.
The book fair is next week! Thanks to Pat for putting the schedule together and to Michelle for putting organizing the event. Michelle is also starting a "Change Wars" contest for homerooms to get additional books for charity.

What differentiation is and is not.

Just a reminder that Wednesday is department/subject area meetings with a focus on curriculum.
I will need to be with science, so please let me know ahead of time questions I can answer.
If you are doing an alternative evaluation and you have not set up an appointment with me, you need to do so soon.
It takes a village, Melissa and a bunch of parents were here Wednesday night until 10:00pm building the "roof"(and attached house) for Fiddler on the Roof. How lucky we are to have parents that will dedicate their time and talents and a teacher willing to put in whatever it takes to make sure the musical experience for kids is at the highest level. thank you.
Thanks to everyone for participating in the Podcast Learning meeting on Wednesday, many teachers were able to connect something valuable to their teaching. Also big thanks to Lauren D and Chris for putting together the movie which was entertaining and filled a need with our new universal pass. I heard that the film is under consideration for the Sundance film festival under short documentary category.
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