Friday, January 15, 2016


Thanks to Greg for providing a Staff Tour of the maker space.  I heard several conversations about how that space could connect to something a teacher was doing in class.  Please keep this space of student exploration in mind when planning class activities,

Also, thanks to Betty for providing insight on what the ACCESS test experience is like for students and how she uses the scores to place her students.

How sleep or lack of it affects the brain...I think I need to look at this againEmbedded image permalink

Jen and Jackie have been working hard in starting Fit Club and Intramurals respectively.  Both clubs get students actively engaged after school which is so important.

While my social media of choice is far and away twitter, maybe I (and you) should try Pintrest for education PLN's.

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I will be attending a conference Tuesday morning on the new federal Every Student Succeeds Act and will bring the information back to you.

Jessica Erickson did a great job presenting Newspaper and Gamers Club to the school board on Tuesday night.  It is important that we share our student successes with the the board and community and she did a great job on the two clubs she sponsors.

Here is a new quiz/game ap for students and teachers in an online classroom. (Think Kahoots)\
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Please remember to take the 5 Essential Survey for our school sometime before March 11th,  I suggest taking it on a Friday when you are in a good mood and are thinking about the upcoming weekend!

Thanks to the Science Department for sitting down with the district architects and giving their input for the science lab renovations.  Many good ideas were given to shape up these learning spaces for the future.

While it may not be for everyone watch this Ted Talk on the Beauty of Math

Good luck to our 7th grade as they embark on their reward trip today for students who earned the privilege.

A huge thank you for the cake and amazing banner that you gave me in recognition for my DuPage County Principal of the Year Award.  It really meant a lot for  me to get the recognition from our staff.  Also thanks to Melissa and Nicole who came back on a snowy night to go to the board meeting where I received recognition from Dr, Ehrhardt and the school board.  I will try to make sure that I live up to the hype! :)

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