Thursday, April 9, 2015


Thanks to the 5th grade team who will be conducting CogAt testing on Monday and Tuesday of next week.  This will help us get valuable information on our soon to be 6th grade students.

If anyone has any questions on the enrichment identification matrix please let me know and I can go to team/department/individuals to explain.  Hopefully this will create a consistent framework for student placement in which appropriate instruction can take place.

Strategies for strengthening the brains executive functioning skills:

Thanks to Jessica Adams and Mike Droste for presenting their programs at this Monday's school board meeting.  Sharing some of the great ways that teachers are using technology to engage student learners will be great information  for the school board to hear.

Thanks to Jamie P for presenting with students Abby C, David F, Julia N and Niku M at Tuesday's PTA Parent Presentation.  Their presentation about Windows 8 was informative and entertaining.

Successfully "flip" your Social Studies Classroom:

I am reading all of the responses to Wednesday's department agenda.  It is important that we get our curriculum updated online so that it is current and actually represents what we teach.  This will be a process that will take some time.  The good news is that we have the outstanding teachers and teaching practice that is taking place, now we just need to get it documented.

NJHS will be hosting a cupcake sale next week.  Get your orders in now! :)

3 Simple Techniques to keep negativity out of your life:

Thanks to Michelle F for organizing drop everything and read for today.  Reading is the foundation of all learning, so having the whole building reading for 50 minutes will be a great way to spend our time and increase our knowledge.

It's great to have Danielle and Angela back with us.  Your expertise and experience make our school stronger.

Exploring the legacy of the Civil War at 150:

Thanks to Nicole for running the Healthy Beginnings program.  What a great way to promote health and fitness.  It's not too late to join this session, email her today.

6 things to consider before you start a Maker Space: 

Why a Maker Space:

quotes of the week:

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