Friday, January 23, 2015


I want to thank Betty for giving an informative presentation on ELL strategies at the Learning Meeting on Wednesday.  Also, thanks to Mrs. Adams for stepping up to play the role of teacher.

Building a Better Online Reader...Kids can read deeply online, they just need to be taught how...

Melissa L and Jessica A put together an awesome NJHS Induction Ceremony Wednesday Night. I was extremely impressed with the program.
3 Steps to Make 2015 Epic (step outside your comfort zone people)

What's happening in the halls of Benjamin?

Thanks to John, Jen, and Lynette for providing a wonderful skating experience for the students.  I have been by a few times and the kids are active and having a blast!

Please remember to fill out the 5 Essentials Survey when you have time.  

Outdoor Ed Teachers, remember these?  Someone is actually tweeting their experience from Loredo Taft  #famous cinnamon rolls

I will be bringing some PARCC resources to team next week that you may or may not have found yourself already.  #Oh boy, I can't wait  #Christmas has come early :)

Unpacking the science, How playing music changes the learning brain.

Thanks to all of the teachers who are participating in Science and EDAMS training next week.  I know it can be hard to be out of the classroom.  

Here is an article on 21st Century Libraries:  

Ted Talks Playlist of Useful information:  

If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. Abraham Maslow (1908 - 1970) 

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