Friday, January 30, 2015


We want to wish Angela and her husband best wishes with the early arrival of baby Nathan.  This is a very exciting time in their life and we can't wait to meet their new addition to the Benjamin family.

We want to wish Gus the best of luck in his new chapter in his life.  I know I am speaking for everyone when I say that he will be greatly missed.  Your service to this district is immensely appreciated!

I want to thank Jen, Jackie and Linda who have done a great job of recruiting students for FITT Club. There were a wide variety of students participating yesterday all being encouraged to give their best effort.

Speaking of clubs, I also want to thank John for sponsoring a variety of clubs throughout the year.  The latest is girls intramural basketball for those students who want to play basketball but did not join our regular teams.

We are at the 50% completion rate for the 5Essentials Survey.  Thank you to those staff members that have filled it out and if you haven't done so yet, please find a few minutes in the near future to do so.  The survey does provide information that can help us grow as a school.

I will be emailing team leaders after school about setting up our next infrastructure trial for PARCC.  It will be a school wide trial with each class using the opposite test of the first trial.  A date will be selected next week and communicated so proper planning can take place.

The food was awesome today!  Thanks to the 8th grade team for doing such a fabulous job.

The student growth committee met last Wednesday and continued to discuss the implementation of a student growth model in teacher evaluation.  Thanks to everyone for trying out different growth formulas and ideas for assessments as we get ready for when it will count.  Please feel free to come to me if you have any questions on this topic.

Just a reminder for teachers on the District Technology  Committee, that we will be meeting at the Administrative Center on Monday at 7pm.  Thanks for your service on this committee.

Instead of a bunch of different links and resources here is one article on Student engagement that I have found an interesting read.  The article is by Todd Finnley, Professor at east Carolina University.  You can click on the in article links if you go to the article at

In education literature, "engagement" is a lynchpin word, routinely cited as essential. However, authors often leave it undefined or offhandedly provide vague definitions. So, what is engagement?
It depends on whom you ask. In an unpublished study, Shari Steadman and I found that preservice teachers often identified acts of compliance as engagement. Wrote one education major, "Engagement is an agreement between student[s] and teachers to be there and present during class." This unfortunate and quotidian explanation implies that merely breathing and looking at instructors constitutes student engagement. Ruth Schoenbach and Cynthia Greenleaf view the term differently:
By adding the word "engaged," we mean to distinguish between the skilled by rote and unsophisticated kind of academic literacy that many "successful" students master, and the more analytic, critical, and discipline specific ways of making meaning emblematic of engaged learners.
Adam Fletcher’s definition is succinct: "Students are engaged when they areattracted to their work, persist despite challenges and obstacles, and take visible delight in accomplishing their work." (PDF, 134KB) To visualize these characteristics occurring all at once, imagine kids playing Minecraft or participating in cooperative classroom games.
But to consider engagement viscerally, we need to refer to its mid-17th century association with battle. Imagine fencers: competitors face off, all senses focused on the micro-adjustments of their opponent's blade as well as their own physical, emotional, and intellectual potential. When fencers lunge, circle, and feint, their fierce ballet is called engagement.

Benefits of Engagement

According to multiple research studies, engaged students . . .
  • Experience improved academic achievement and satisfaction
  • Are more likely to have the capacity to work through academic struggles
  • Earn higher standardized test scores
  • Have better social skills
  • Are less likely to drop out of school.
In contrast, disengagement . . .
  • Lowers cognitive performance
  • Increases disruptive behaviors
  • Causes academic avoidance behaviors
  • Exacerbates learning, behavior, and emotional problems
  • Increases absenteeism and dropout rates.
Regrettably, an overwhelming number of high school students are disengaged and bored with class content. In the early grades, eight out of ten students are engaged. By middle school, the number is six out ten, then four out of ten in high school, according to a 2013 Gallop Poll.
"The drop in student engagement for each year students are in school is our monumental, collective national failure," asserts Brandon Busteed, the executive director of Gallup Education.

Research-Supported Methods to Engage Students

From The Highly Engaged Classroom (PDF, 388KB), to School Engagement, Disengagement, Learning Supports, & School Climate (PDF, 133KB), to Strengthening Student Engagement, all the books and articles that have been written on the subject of increasing student engagement could fill a gluttonous orca. But Kristy Cooper's insanely rigorous mixed methods study, "Eliciting Engagement in the High School Classroom: A Mixed-Methods Examination of Teaching Practices," published in the April 2014 American Educational Research Journal, does an exceptional job of showing what works.
Cooper, an award-winning researcher at Michigan State University with an MA and Ed.D from Harvard, examined the impact of three well-supported methods that teachers employ to increase student engagement. As you read about each, try to guess which practice had the greatest impact.

Engagement Method #1: Lively Teaching

Involves group work, games, and projects. The emphasis is on the students constructing knowledge, not on the teacher delivering it. Think social and fun.

Engagement Method #2: Academic Rigor

The instructor creates cognitively demanding tasks and environments (called "academic press"), emphasizing that students will need to work hard. The teacher also shows passionate investment in the content. According to research that Cooper cites, students' perception of challenge is a strong predictor of achievement gains.

Engagement Method #3: Connective Instruction

In connective instruction, the teacher helps students make personal connections to the class, content, and learning. The power of connective instruction comes from the instructor helping students see the curriculum as critical to their current lives, their future, and their culture. Additionally, six instructor behaviors play into creating high quality relationships where, according to Andrew Martin, students "actually internalize the beliefs valued by significant others."
  1. Promoting relevance: relating content to students' lives.
  2. Conveying care: understanding learners' perspectives.
  3. Concern for students' well-being: demonstrating knowledge of students' lives.
  4. Providing affirmation: telling students they are capable of doing well; using praise, written feedback, and opportunities for success.
  5. Relating to students through humor: showing that you enjoy working with young people (not as a class, as individuals).
  6. Enabling self-expression: connecting learning and identity by encouraging students' expression of ideas, values, and conceptions of self.
Although lively teaching and academic rigor independently and collectively increase engagement, the single biggest effect, according to Cooper's study, resulted from connective instruction of a magnitude seven times that of the other two well-established practices. Why? Because of kids' desperate longing for high-quality relationships. When a teacher fulfills that desire, students' achievement behaviors and intellectual functioning soars (PDF, 380KB).
For all teachers, regardless of subject or grade level, intensive effort to connect with learners is nonnegotiable -- if you want them engaged.
Tell us how you engage students.

Friday, January 23, 2015


I want to thank Betty for giving an informative presentation on ELL strategies at the Learning Meeting on Wednesday.  Also, thanks to Mrs. Adams for stepping up to play the role of teacher.

Building a Better Online Reader...Kids can read deeply online, they just need to be taught how...

Melissa L and Jessica A put together an awesome NJHS Induction Ceremony Wednesday Night. I was extremely impressed with the program.
3 Steps to Make 2015 Epic (step outside your comfort zone people)

What's happening in the halls of Benjamin?

Thanks to John, Jen, and Lynette for providing a wonderful skating experience for the students.  I have been by a few times and the kids are active and having a blast!

Please remember to fill out the 5 Essentials Survey when you have time.  

Outdoor Ed Teachers, remember these?  Someone is actually tweeting their experience from Loredo Taft  #famous cinnamon rolls

I will be bringing some PARCC resources to team next week that you may or may not have found yourself already.  #Oh boy, I can't wait  #Christmas has come early :)

Unpacking the science, How playing music changes the learning brain.

Thanks to all of the teachers who are participating in Science and EDAMS training next week.  I know it can be hard to be out of the classroom.  

Here is an article on 21st Century Libraries:  

Ted Talks Playlist of Useful information:  

If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. Abraham Maslow (1908 - 1970) 

Friday, January 16, 2015


Thanks to Laura and Steve for putting on a great presentation for the board on Monday night.  It was really impressive.

Thanks to Greg for taking just under 1,000,000 steps in order to prepare us for the PARCC Infrastructure Training session today so we can be as prepared as possible for the Infrastructure Trial on Tuesday.  Make sure that you bring your laptops (or devices) and sit by your grade level today for the training.

Jessica E has shared with me that she is going to have some students Skype with some students from the UK on February 2nd.  Do they celebrate Groundhogs Day in the UK?  :)

Thanks to Nicole Colburn for working hard to keep the POMS team up and running, I know I have the routine memorized and I feel like I am ready...I just need a chance!

Linda Calvo contacted Cantigny and secured a World War 1 locker with all kinds of primary resources for her 8th grade class to investigate.  thanks for going the extra mile.

Once again thanks to everyone who participated in Soups On yesterday and for Ellen and Pat for organizing it.

Michelle F has organized an Ozzie's Reading Club as another incentive for our students to read. It is in association with the Kane County Cougars and the students get a ticket, a hot-dog, drink and a t-shirt or bag.  Also, thank to Michelle for her ability to be pulled in many different directions at once.

Jackie Parent, Linda Calvo and Jen Vidic will be sponsoring a FIT Club for student and staff exercise and nutrition.  It will take place Monday mornings and Thursday's after school.

Thanks to Mark, Lynn and Lynette for organizing and presenting about the upcoming insurance changes and possibilities.  Being a smart consumer of insurance is something that will be important for us as individuals and as a staff as a whole.

Today, I have something a little different for you, instead of a bunch of resources, I am just giving you one.  There is a radio show/podcast from NPR called This American Life.  The premise is that each week they take a theme and present one to three stories on that theme.  I'm going to share two different links:  One for this weeks story which is called Batman, but is a story about how expectations have a powerful effect on outcomes.  It is really fascinating.  The second story is a much older episode on Middle School which you will probably find amusing and informative.

Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase.
Martin Luther King Jr.

Friday, January 9, 2015


Graduation pictures and yesterday's BB game are in the process of being rescheduled. We will let you know the new dates when available.

Hey Social Studies(and ILAR) teachers, 50 Great ways to teach current events.

Thanks to Jim and the 7th grade team for scheduling the 7th grade reward trip for today.  It's exciting to see so many students earn the trip!

8 pathways to student success!  (I know we would be happy for just one, but I am in the giving spirit!)

Thanks to Steve and Laura for presenting about the success of the Directions Program at this Monday's School Board Meeting.

Sticking with the Theme of 8.  The 8 most important minutes of your class!

Thanks to Melissa L and Jessica A. for preparing for the NJHS inductions on Wednesday Night.

3 minute video that shows the growth mindset and puts a smile on your face!

I know many people were happy to have yesterday off so you could celebrate Elvis's 80th B-Day