I want to thank Danielle and Angela for running the book club this past Wednesday. I was able to pop in and see some pretty lively discussions. Anytime spent together having great discussions is valuable, when it can help educators help students it is even better! If you missed out on this book club this time here is a 13 minute animated summary of the book.
Please don't forget that we have our new IAR Training this Wednesday, March 12th at 2:00pm in the multi-purpose room. I will get more details from Greg about the training and I will get testing booklets in your mailbox by Monday if you are testing a group of students. I want to thank Kim who is helping me get all the student testing groups together for Greg.
Here is a great article about the science behind happiness. Oh and it is written by a former Bengal!
I went to an IASB dinner at Addison Trail high school on Wednesday night with superintendent Langton and school board member Dennis Peterson. Mr. Peterson received recognition for his years of service on the board and we saw a very interesting presentation on K-12 career pathways. I look forward to learning more about this topic and sharing with you in the future.
Don't forget the deadline for spending is Friday March 28th.
Congratulations to Matt, Dan & the girls basketball team. Thursday night they defeated Harvest Christian by the score of 18 to 5. On Saturday they will play in the semi-final of the SWAC tournament. Good luck Bengals!!
Visual Book Summary of Deep Work by Cal Newport
If you want to help out Marquita's daughter win a girl scout contest trip to medieval times. Just click the link below and you vote for their castle!
I appreciate Dr. Salamone and Solly securing subs for our Thursday SPED meetings. Having coverage makes the day so much smoother.
If you are looking for dinner this Tuesday night stop by Chipotle and help the PTA. Use code NM73926 from 5pm-9pm you can order online or in person.
Thanks to Michelle and Carrie for running the March Book Madness. I believe teachers can also get in on the fun and vote online.
It was fun to have 100% student attendance on Thursday. What a great opportunity to push all of our students forward with no worries of make-up work.
I will send out a schedule to ELA teachers for my student data talks next week in preparation for our IAR tests.
Teaching teens to separate fact and fiction.
Thanks to Angela and Vanessa for their help with technology for the Superintendent focus groups this week. It is always a team effort to have these events run smoothly!
Between the 8th grade reward trip and the combined 7th grade & theater club (all grade) field trip we will have a lot of the students having learning experiences outside the building today. Thanks to all of the staff that helped put together and supervise these trips.
"People generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen for."
-- Harper Lee
"Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults."
-- Benjamin Franklin