What a week packed with fun and inspirational activities to get students to think more about kindness and respect. Thanks once again to April for spearheading this week and to the many other staff who helped implement and facilitate the activities. Special shout out to Carrie Liszka who stayed late on Thursday to use her art background to put together the Art Installation with April. When you put everyone's individual artwork together to make a bigger piece of art, it is pretty spectacular. When you think about it.... it's similar to our staff coming together to make our school a spectacular place to be.
Speaking of surveys...The 5Essentials Survey official window is February 18th-March 28th. More info will be coming soon.
Thanks to everyone for getting your newsletter articles in to Margaret and to Margaret for getting it organized and out to parents. This is a very important avenue for letting parents know the great things that are going on in your classrooms.
Health Trainings are due Friday. If you did not finish them, please finish this weekend. Please reach out to me if you have questions.
I would like to welcome Dawn K to the Ben 25 district. She has been busy assisting Julie with all things special education. All of you will eventually be receiving emails from her at some point inviting you to IEP meetings. Take a moment to go upstairs and say hello if you have time.
I don't know how many other middle schools have roller skating at their school but what a great experience for our students. Thanks to Jen and Joe for putting this together each year.
6 Ways that technology can help you teach reading more effectively.
There have been a few behavior situations this week. I appreciate the fact that staff handle this with me in the forms of clear communication to me and in many cases following up with parents to help me out. I could not do such a good job of working to help these students without your help.
Thanks to the lunch supervisors who always have a tough job but this week we made it even more difficult with the addition of lunchtime activities such as "fishing for prizes" and "gross smoothie making" Thanks to Bill, Joe, Jen V, Jim, Jessica, Lynette, Jen H, Chris and Lori for keeping the kids in order.
Tried, True and Quick formative assessments.
I would like to send another special shout out to Ali K who has been helping out in every way possible. I appreciate the job she is doing assisting teachers, covering check in/check out, always listening to feedback to get better and choosing to eat her lunch everyday with Jen M's kids in the lunchroom. Thanks for giving your best!
Thanks to Chris and Dan for being great sports for their students!
Pray not for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs.