Thursday, April 28, 2022


 As we wrap up this week I just want to say a huge thank you to Ellen and Kim.  They do so much to help our school function smoothly and they had an awesome dining experience at Chateau Benjamin!


We had our last mentee meeting of the year on Wednesday.  I appreciated all of the first year teachers input as to how to make the program better.  They had great suggestions.  I will also be working on aspects of the 2nd year mentor program this summer.  A big thank you to all of our mentors this year who helped our teachers learn and grow!

When you have time: Interesting article on Blended Learning

We had a great 4th grade visitation on Wednesday.  Thanks to Melissa for organizing it.  From the academic and specials presentations to the  building tours led by 7th grade NJHS members to the 8th grade band performance and much more it was a real school event!

4th Grade parent night was a huge success as well.  Thanks to Chris, Melissa, Jen, Alex, Morgan and Melissa L for staying late and making connections with our future Bengal parents.  

This week coming up is staff appreciation week.  Closing out the week will be our celebration and PTA lunch on Friday May 6th at Evergreen followed by articulation.  I will have a schedule for articulation sent out similar to previous years.  

Speaking of schedules, also on May 6th we will have our school talent show.  Lynette and Chris are working hard with our students to put on a great show.  I am waiting for some feedback from teams but sometime on Friday I  will send out information on the special schedule for our school day on May 6th.  

6 time saving tips/tricks for teachers.

Dr. LeBlanc has informed me that we have some additional money that we can spend reading and math resources as well as some money fro PD opportunities.  Please see me if you have some needs/wants in either of these areas.  

We don't give finals but these are some great alternatives to traditional assessments.

I appreciate the flexibility and willingness of our staff to fill in this week when we have been short handed.  Sam, Nicole and Michele Davis are just three examples from this week.  Thanks!

9 research based teaching strategies article.

Michael Miles comes three times a year.  This is my 8th year.  That means I have seen him perform at least 24 times.  Take advantage of seeing this great musician and teacher during your plan time today if you can.  

I will be talking to students during lunch today on fire procedures to follow if needed during that specific time of day.  Thanks to Melissa L for getting all of our drills organized and completed this year.  

One of my favorite times of the year is 8th grade debates.  Thanks to Bill and Michele for organizing this special project and to all of the staff that will be judging them.  

"The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience." -- Harper Lee

"The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same." -- Carlos Castaneda

"More is lost by indecision than wrong decision. Indecision is the thief of opportunity. It will steal you blind." -- Marcus Tullius Cicero
"More is lost by indecision than wrong decision. Indecision is the thief of opportunity. It will steal you blind." -- Marcus Tullius Cicero

Thursday, April 21, 2022


 Bengal's Night was a huge success.  What a great way to show off what our wonderful specials teachers and students are doing.  The artwork, concert, projects and badminton play were all spectacular.  The turnout was great and it was really a fun Benjamin Community event! I received many compliments on the evening. Thanks to Angela for capturing some of the moments on her camera and sharing them on social media.   Mr. Allard might be a little sore from his athletic domination on the badminton court!

Also thanks to Tim and the custodial crew for having the building clean and ready with set-ups.  

Edutopia Giveaway for Teachers.  Enter at this link.

Thanks to Michele and Kathy for running the book fair.  I even enjoyed jumping behind the register today and got to work some old "McDonald Muscles" I haven't exercised in a long time.  Also thanks to all of the teachers who volunteered to jump in and help Thursday evening, it was a real team effort!

Thanks to the 8th grade team as I heard nothing but great things about their reward trip to Top Golf.  Our students represented us well and had a great time.  

Speaking of representing us well. Melissa and Morgan also had some band and choir students watch the Chicago Symphony Orchestra perform.  What an amazing experience for these students.

Hats off to Mark, Melissa F and what ended up being the 5th and 8th grade teams (and Jen H & Jill W) for getting our state science testing get done.  Patience and perseverance was the order of the day and I appreciate you guys sticking with it.  Special thanks to Greg, Angela and Vanessa for all of their tech help in this task as well.  We could not have done it without you.  

I am looking forward to our 4th grade visit and parent night on Wednesday April 27th.  Future Bengals get their first taste of what a special place Benjamin Middle School is.  

I have extended and extended and extended, the deadline for making most purchases but as Frank Sinatra said:  "And now, the end is near.....and so I face the final curtain..."

I will be trying to get a couple students finished off with their IAR make-up testing today.  

Congrats to all of our Spring coaches on their team and individual athlete victories this season.  I am looking forward to our home track meet Friday after school.

As the weather warms up and the end of the year gets closer, thanks for keeping  students on task and focused  as well as your extra effort and flexibility working with students who need your help the most. As frustrating as it can be you are helping  them learn and grow.  

If you have not done so already, please get back to Greg to let him know if you are going to use your cell phone or the thingamabob for your double secret probation clearance...but seriously reply to his email today if you haven't done so yet.  

Happy Earth Day!  

Every human being is intended to have a character of his own; to be what no others are, and to do what no others can do.    William Ellery Channing

To be nobody-but yourself-in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else-means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.

 e.e. cummings

"There is only one thing more painful than learning from experience and that is not learning from experience." - Archibald MacLeish


Thursday, April 7, 2022


 Thanks to Greg, Vanessa, and Angela for providing tech assistance for IAR testing.  Also thanks to Greg, Vanessa and Kim for the prep work they had to complete to get testing ready for day one.  It was a lot!

Using Inquiry to support deeper learning.

Angela has done a great job of  updating the sub handbook.  These updates will help our current and new subs be ready and trained for all aspects of their job.  This information will also be helpful for our teachers and a short overview will be presented at the start of the new school year.  

Kerry and her students went to the Shedd Aquarium and had a fun and educational time.  

Joe and Jen V showing off their new gear!  A good reminder that that Lisa and Janice are a great resource and connection to our community who love to support our students and teachers.  

I am looking forward to Betty's ML presentation on our early release day on April 13th.  Also, teaching assistants have a meeting with Dr. LeBlanc in the conference room on this day after school.    

A protocol to encourage classroom discussion.

Our Spring Sports season is underway with track and girls soccer beginning practice this week.  Thanks to Courtney, Bill, Carrie, Abby, Matt and Joe for coaching these teams.  Dan also sent out the sign-up for volunteers.  Please consider helping out as there are still slots available.  Finally, thanks to Megan S for checking on with students in their Bengal Card process.  

A checklist for today's teachers:

Thanks to Kerry for finishing up DLM with her students this past week.  

I was able to get into a lot of classrooms this week.  I am always impressed by the level of student engagement and the creativity of our teaching staff.  

We have the Link for the Annie performance.  If you were unable to see the play, this is a great recording.  (You have to download it)


“Every day is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we’ve got 24 hours each.” — Christopher Rice

You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubts; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair." -- Douglas MacArthur

"I am always doing what I can't do yet in order to learn how to do it." -- Vincent Van Gogh