Jessica and the Tiger Times Newspaper Staff put out another great issue to finish out the year!
Leaning on Habits of Mind during times of uncertainty.
I'm looking forward to our Parade on Thursday. Please meet in the Benjamin parking lot at 8:30. Route information to follow on Tuesday.
I am super excited for the 8th grade Clap Out on Wednesday. We will have places marked 6 feet apart and please bring your masks as we will then continue our celebration by honoring our retirees. Adrienne, Gail, Laura and Ellen bring so much kindness, knowledge and talent to our students and school, I know I am speaking for everyone when I say they will be really missed.
works for Zoom as well
Thanks to the Specials Team for putting together the Activity Chart and providing our students fun activities. Special thanks to all of the teachers that submitted videos as examples.
Speaking of videos, I am really looking forward to seeing everyones thank you videos to our students.
I am working with Jostens to get the special link we need for Graduation that will allow a large number of people to attend. I will send the link to everyone on Monday. Thanks to Kim for the extra help she has provided in getting graduation ready.
I am excited for the staff that we will have in new roles next year. Megan P as our 7th grade ILAR teacher, Jen H as our 8th grade ILAR/6th SS and ta for IMSA and Danielle DeChristopher who will be serving as an additional 1/2 time tech/instructional coach to help Angela support both buildings.
"A child is not deciding to read or not read. The child is choosing among competing activities: Should I read, or have a snack, or see what my friend’s doing, or play a video game?"
What works for getting kids to enjoy reading.
Thanks to Michelle who will be putting out a Summer Reading Video and online resource and Rich who recorded a Summer Math Video. These resources and some incentives will hopefully encourage large participation among our students.
Which 3 would you pick?
We will have a final Staff Meeting for all staff at 2:00pm on May 28th. Please bring food and an appropriate drink so we can toast our retirees and the successful end to the school year. Zoom link to follow.
One does not accumulate but eliminate. It is not daily increase but daily decrease. The height of cultivation always runs to simplicity." -- Bruce Lee