Friday, January 25, 2019


I want to thank Dan and Matt for the coaching job they did yesterday.  The Bengals were beat soundly, which makes their effort, positivity and good example they set for our middle school girls more impressive.

Great article Angela found on teaching students "how to think".
Two students creating a windmill out of a water bottle in science class

Please make sure your review the E-learning day letter that Dr. Ehrhardt sent out yesterday.  I will make my way around teams on Monday and Tuesday of next week to answer any planning questions you have.  Please continue to plan during your team and plan time as this can go in effect starting Feb. 1. This also means that if we have a cold day next week we will have to make it up.

I'm getting a lot of 2nd round evaluations done this week and next.  Please make sure that you schedule your next observation if you are on the evaluation cycle and please check your alternative evaluation to ensure you are making progress.  Finally everyone on cycle, please make sure you are checking on your student growth goals.

Challenge Read of the week:  Science and Memory

The 175th Benjamin Anniversary committee met last night and came up with a lot of ideas to kick off the planning. Special thanks to Lauren Dunne and Melissa LaMantia who were the BMS representatives.

Cool library display and article BOOKFLIX

Michael Miles was in to perform and teach our students again this week.  I know staff is busy, but I strongly suggest that when he comes back in the spring, you use your plan time to sit in Melissa's classroom.  This is really a special opportunity for our students.

Thanks to Jessica and Lauren for all of their hard work in getting NJHS off and running.  They will have their first full meeting on Monday morning and then hopefully get the new inductees confirmed that evening.  (pray for good weather)

How to cite sources without leaving google docs.  Good for your student research papers.

Greg gave a new update on the Illinois Assessment of Readiness  (the artist formerly known as Prince...I mean PARCC).  It is pretty thorough so I will send out a detailed email next week.  Two takeaways are that Pearson will be delivering the assessment again this year which means there are a lot of similarities to years past.  Also, the test is shorter with two 90 minute sessions for ELA and three 60 minutes sessions of math for all grade levels.  More to follow.

Wisdom is the ability to see both sides and weigh them appropriately.

Thanks to Tim, Frank and Tony for being relentless in keeping up with the school grounds during this nasty weather.

Yesterday had a lot of challenges, but sitting in a PST meeting and having a mom tear up about how her son earning Student of the Month was such a powerful and positive event for him and their family, really Made My Day.  Please don't forget the impact that even the simplest things have on our students and their families. You are making a difference.

Friday, January 18, 2019


Chris Fernandez was recognized at the school board meeting with her BB300 students for the outstanding job they are doing with their news broadcast. As you see from Chris's email she is also working to get the broadcast to 5 minutes or under and has changed the Pledge of Allegiance in the video to a shorter, more middle school age appropriate version.  Please make sure you have the link ready to go on time and that your students are listening while watching.

The 7th-grade team is heading to Main Event for their Reward Trip today.  I heard Jim talking trash to Cathy and Adrienne about how he was going to destroy them in laser tag!

Great Article Jessica found on relationship focused education.

Congratulations to the JV boy's basketball team as well as to Mr. Tylk and Mr. Baker as they won the conference championship over the weekend.  They worked very hard to achieve this goal.  Nice Job!

Please remember to check on your progress if you are completing an alternative evaluation so that you know you are progressing towards your goal.  Teachers on regular evaluation please make sure you have scheduled your next observation.

Jim Thorpe, an American Indian from Oklahoma had his track shoes stolen while representing the U.S. in the 1912 Olympics. He found shoes in the trash, wore an extra sock due to size issues, & won 2 gold medals. Mindset matters. You can do it!

Congratulations to Mrs. LaMantia and Mr. Turek for the excellent job they did leading the band and choir students in the Music Fest at WCCHS.  This was a great experience for all of our students.

Turning Math into a Game.
A child's hand holding green base ten blocks for a math game

Angela Anthony has put together some awesome Google drive/docs training videos for our students. I would not be surprised if Google starts recruiting her to come out to Silicone Valley!  Seriously, these are going to be a great tool to help students and teachers!

Please make sure that you use your plan and team time to start organizing your E-learning plans. The administration is also working on clearing some additional time for you to prepare properly for these new learning experiences.

Hack your Happiness.  How a middle school in Schaumburg is making gratitude part of the curriculum.

The assessment planning committee is working hard to make a good decision on what testing company the district should use to accurately assess and progress monitor our students.  This includes viewing presentations, talking with surrounding school districts and talking to our current assessment provider. Thanks to Jessica, Cathy, Lauren, Melissa, MJ and Megan Peterson for their hard work.

PE will be roller skating starting on Tuesday.  I'm looking forward to watching Mr. Wadman doing his triple lutz!  Thanks to Jen and Lynette for setting up this opportunity.

I hope everyone enjoys their extended weekend.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” -

Friday, January 11, 2019


For the first Post of 2019 Here is a Video that I Created for our Benjamin Home Page.  If you have 10 minutes (9:35 seconds) please check it out.  It began with over 54 minutes of footage.  I hope you like it and please give me any input for improvement.