Thursday, February 22, 2018


Article on Resiliency after Violence.  First part of the article particularly strong on talking with students during these tough times.

What a Victory! The 5th/6th grade girls basketball team won a come from behind game in overtime last night against a very tough Aurora Christian!  Great coaching by Dan and Matt.  Also thanks to Jessica and Lyn doing the supervision and talk about tough...Mr. Wadman doing the book and the clock at the same time.

How arts-focused field trips can help our student test scores.

Thanks to all of our teaching assistants.  I continue to be amazed at the job they do in the classroom and in all of the extra duties they do like homework club, lunch duty and helping students on the bus to name a few.  We are lucky to have such a strong support staff.

The Brain changing power of Conversation.

Speaking of strong staff...I know Matthew hates being complemented so I won't say that we are all proud of him winning the IEA New Teacher Award and just say that we are awestruck by his ability to assemble a dagwood sandwich while supervising 5th grade lunch duty, with his lunchbox hanging around his neck. Oh and I guess he is a pretty decent band teacher that has done an amazing job of improving our band program.  Make sure not to complement him when you see him in the hallway! :)

Article on the power of music.

Thanks to Marcia for keeping us informed with all of the medical updates that she has been receiving for our students.

Helping students make good decisions:

Hope Group will be working with Angela to make improvements to our courtyard.  That makes two projects for the courtyard as former student and potential Eagle Scout David Fatheree will also be working on an outdoor classroom area in the courtyard this summer.

Great work to Michelle and Kathy H for promoting and organizing such a big Caudill celebration.  Anytime we can get the students reading from their own interests for pleasure, we are ahead of the game!

How to handle the fear of failure.

On the evening of March 1st I have a representative from Northwestern Center for Talent Development coming in to talk to parents about the available enrichment programs they have to offer their children.

"In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety." - Abraham Maslow

Jessica is doing a great job facilitating the newspaper club.  I have had more reporters from the Tiger Times come to me with hard hitting, investigative reporting questions this year than I can ever remember happening previously.

“A mind is a fire to be kindled, not a vessel to be filled.” — Plutarch

Thursday, February 15, 2018


Why teens need a sense of purpose.

Thanks to Megan and Alex for working with their students to put on the opening day of STARBENGALS.  Also, thanks to everyone that got your coffee fix with them on Wednesday morning as they were extremely exited and happy while working on life skills.

Thanks to Colleen and Alex who are sponsoring the Student Council Valentine's Day dance tonight for our 7th and 8th grade students.  If you are looking to have fun and earn a few extra $ we could use another chaperone or two. 

Congratulations to Melissa L, Danielle, and April as her students put on a spectacular preview of the musical How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. The students singing, dancing and set-design was top notch!

Beautiful Cello Piece....come have two minutes to listen!

Big props goes out to Tony, Frank and Tim for the excellent job they did with snow removal/salting.  They worked hard on Sunday to get our building ready and have been great all season with clearing snow and salting on top of everything else they do.  

Remixing with Credit

Good luck to Matthew as he takes a group of our students to the Illinois Grade School Music Association Contest this weekend.  This is a great experience for these students that will add to their musical development and appreciation.  

Free online course from Yale University - Introduction to Classical Music: Using a simple and enjoyable teaching style, this course introduces the novice listener to the wonders of classical music, from Bach fugues to Mozart symphonies to Puccini operas

Thanks to our SS and Math staff members as we continue to explore options with PD/Webinars/Trials and Pilots.   It is a lot of work to get the right resource for us to use with Our Curriculum. 

10 ways teachers are like Olympic Athletes
Why Teachers Are Like Olympic Athletes

I'm continuing to work on everyone's alternative and traditional evaluations, thanks for getting things to me in a timely manner.      

bottom level goals, check, mid level goals, check, ultimate goal, check, Angela Duckworth 2 minute goal video

Thanks to Dan and Matt Tylk for the great job they are doing with our girls basketball teams.  Encouraging skills, practice, effort and motivation they have kept spirits up despite mixed results on the court.

How your brain helps you win Olympic gold just as much as your body.

Thanks to the science teachers for their input on their room colors and designs, who would have thought that yellow would be everyone's favorite color!

Congratulations to Michelle Fiorini who motivated 71 students including 41 7th graders to complete the Caudill Book requirements and will have a chance to Skype with and author and other fun events at the Caudill Celebration on Friday, February 23rd.  

Please take a few minutes of your plan or team time to review the emergency manual on our ALICE protocol.   The news events recently, emphasize the importance we play in providing as safe an environment as possible for everyone at school.  

"If everything is under control, you are going too slow." -- Mario Andretti

"If people don't occasionally walk away from you shaking their heads, you're doing something wrong." John Gierach

"Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." -- Albert Einstein

Friday, February 2, 2018


Thanks to Chris, Lauren, Lyn and Adrienne for attending the Illinois Association of Gifted Children conference yesterday and today.  Learning strategies to help students who need differentiation on the opposite end of the spectrum will strengthen our schools toolbox.

Ten Websites for Gifted/Talented students.
websites for gifted kids

Illinois, recently passed two laws that go into effect next school year that will have an impact on our school and how we help advanced students.  .  The Acceleration Act and the School Report Card Act.  I will briefly review these laws and their impact at our next staff learning meeting.

The Challenges of talented students from undeserved populations.

Randee Blair will be here from Northwestern University's Center for Talent Development on February 8 at 6:30pm.  She will be talking to our advanced parents about talent search testing, summer and weekend classes, gifted learning links, and a possible accelerated weekend experience here at Benjamin for students who qualify.

Do Talented students get ignored in school?

Gifted Children Get Ignored in School Despite Huge Future Contribution to Society post image
Thanks to Melissa for holding down the fort in my absence.  She was also bragging yesterday about how awesome our teaching staff is as she is getting in classes these two days to observe greatness!

Megan P had an awesome "read out loud" day yesterday with teacher guest readers.  Students really got into it, great job to everyone that participated!

Rethinking giftedness...I mean school.

Lyn is cultivating an interest with 4 of our young 5th graders as they meet with her to practice their knitting and crochet skills.  They just came to me on her behalf to share their gratitude.  Thanks Lyn!

The top 20 principles for gifted, talented and creative students.

I'm happy to announce that Dan Baker is our new athletic director.  Thanks to Keriann for the great job she has done over the years, (and will continue to do) this year in this demanding role.

It's the little details that are vital.  Little things make big things happen.   John Wooden.