Thursday, August 31, 2017


HR Teachers please make sure you let kids know of the items needed on the list for our Hurricane Harvey Collection.   We will collect through Wednesday and then get them to Glen Ellyn  where a truck will be packed and heading for Texas.  Thanks to Melissa for organizing this Operation Bengal Care donation.

12 Tips on how to practice from Wynton Marsalis.

Congratulations to Colleen Morgan for being in the Naperville Glancer for the great job she does as a teacher and a mom.  Log onto social media and vote for her so she can win the 1 million dollar prize! (not sure how much she can really win but 1 million dollars is always an attention grabber)

It was great getting into the classrooms this week and seeing teachers and students in action.  Lauren's "what this bag means to me" lesson, April's "song that represents me" lesson and Bill's close reading lesson are just a few examples of the great teaching taking place everyday at Benjamin.  
History Youtube Playlist...over 50 history related video lessons.

Thanks to Rich, Dan, Matt Tylk, Bill, Danielle and Corey who have been doing a great job coaching our VB, CC and Soccer teams.  Special thanks to Matt, Dan and Rich who were left without a bus yesterday at Christian Liberty and to Keriann who helped organize a way home for them and some of our student athletes.

9 ways to get teens to read:
Photo published for 9 Ways to Get Teens Reading

Please make sure we are making an effort to be in the halls during passing period.  Your presence makes a big difference as students walk from class to class.

10 signs of a 21st century classroom:

Thanks to Lori P and Matt Turek for picking up the 5th grade lunch duty to help Jessica and Jen H.  I really appreciate it.

Maybe we need a little less balance:

Thanks to Jessica and Todd for organizing the Aimsweb testing yesterday.
 Getting this beginning data is important in helping students make growth.  Thanks to all staff that helped out.

Thanks to Michelle and Kathy H for helping out with the bookfair.  Your assistance was vital in raising profits for more books for the LMC.

Don't Teach Alone!

Cartoon of teacher, standing in a circle with students and other teachers, high-fiving one student

Thanks to the Special teachers for presenting the Fish Philosophy to all of our 5th grade students.  We need all teachers help in using the Vocabulary of Be There, Make Their Day, Play and Choose Your Attitude as well as Passing out Fish Slips to reinforce the positive behavior displayed by most of our students.

I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous - everyone hasn't met me yet.
Rodney Dangerfield (1921 - 2004)   

There is no greater importance in all the world like knowing you are right and that the wave of the world is wrong, yet the wave crashes upon you.
Norman Mailer (1923 - 2007)Armies Of The Night

Thursday, August 24, 2017


I want to thank MJ for putting in extra effort to have the beginning of the year run smooth for her students.  Getting special combo locks, working with her ta's, communicating with teachers and the parents of her students has gone a long way to make a great beginning of the year.

Thanks to Marcia for speaking to our staff at the staff learning meeting about our nut-free students as well as working the bengal card desk at this busy time of year for sports physicals.

How to make kids smarter backed by science.
Photo published for How To Make Your Kids Smarter: 10 Steps Backed By Science

I had quite a few teachers talk to me about how great Matt Turek and the summer band sounded at our opening assembly.  Congrats to Matt for also Getting a Go Fund Me Page funded for mics and tuners.

Pretty cool reading fireplace in Megan's room.

Alex has set up a student council fundraiser that will take place in the gym today through PE classes today.

Thanks to Lynette and Jen for being so accommodating at the beginning of the year with pictures, assemblies and fundraisers taking place in the gym.

Useful and practical advise for all educators.
illustration of white paper airplanes, with one red airplane shooting skyward

I appreciate the reading teachers spending valuable time during the institute to go in-depth with the new My Perspective curriculum.  It will go a long way in the year to come.

New staff can get their key cards from Kim and email log-in info from me if you do not have it yet.

Good read for parents of teens/tweens. Have smartphones destroyed a generation?

The Scholastic book fair will be starting on the 29th.  If we sell enough books i will be dressing up like a cowboy and getting chocolate "cow pies thrown at me.  If I see a long line of teachers buying books I'll now where I stand with the faculty! :)

Thanks to Michelle F for putting together the book fair schedule together.  I look forward to getting down there and getting suggestions on good books from the students.

Are you in your sweet spot or "Ikigai"?

Open House is Thursday.  This is a great opportunity to talk to parents about your class, expectations, and curriculum.

Thanks to Ellen T and Kim for all of the hard work that they have put into making the start of the school year get off to a great start.  We appreciate all of the extra effort!

I appreciate our conversation about Grit on Monday.  Here is the Grit Scale that you can take yourself.

Who doesn't want Siri to sing Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.  Try it if you have a minute...or not.