Thursday, March 23, 2017


 Just a reminder that Greg will have the laptop choices at lunch today and after school for people to tryout.  Input will be taken before the decision is made for purchase.  Please make sure you provide feedback so your voice is heard.

Interesting article on what kids should know by the time they finish school from some educational experts.
A chalkboard with various math equations and the "Educational Eden" series tag in the corner

We are moving forward in the adoption of the new ELA Program.  Pearson, My Perspectives program will be brought before the board for possible purchase.  I was able to observe a school that was using only the online platform with no book as a back-up.  The students were highly engaged and were happy to give me feedback as to the reasons they like the online platform.

Thanks to Dan for organizing the staff vs. student game.  The 8th grade boys were excited!

The age at which you everything.  article goes into explanation

Age you peak at everything

Thanks to everyone for their input on the master schedule for next year.  A decision was reached to have two sections of 5th and 6th grade special classes. In addition, we will be keeping the 1/2 time teaching position for next year. We will be moving to IMSA Fusion for our 5th, 7th and 8th grade technology special classes with a teaching assistant being scheduled in those classes for academic and program assistance. Finally, RTI Math classes were added to the existing ones for smaller class sizes with increased support.

I know grade level teams are scheduling trials for PARCC with Greg.  It is important to be able to catch the mistakes that will pop up as well as for teacher and student comfortability to have these trials.

The student musical Oklahoma was off the charts this past weekend.  The students were amazing and Melissa and Danielle put in a lot of work to make the production run smoothly.  Every year this event is a showcase for the amazing talent in our building.  Thank you.

Sometimes writing is about just sitting down and doing it.

Matt Tylk, Dan Baker, Nicole Colburn, Rich Feffer and Keriann Moore did a great job presenting the sports awards on Wednesday night.  It is nice to know that our students not only get great coaching, but great role models in their interactions with our staff.

Melissa and the choir performed beautifully Tuesday night at West Chicago High School. The students were thrilled to perform on the big stage and with the high school students.

8 ways that Middle Schools can build College and Career Readiness:

We will have a summer band program for the first time this summer.  Hat's off to Mr. Turek for getting this off the ground.  I am excited to see this program take place that will strengthen our band program as a whole.

Mike D will be working in the conference room on some curriculum topics on Tuesday.   Please stop by to check-in and say hello.

How to focus in the age of distraction:

Thanks to Jen and Lynette for bringing in the Teen Decision group to work with our health students.  Having guest speakers is a great way to engage students in important information.

How to Read more when you feel like you don't have time. (Hint put your phone away)

We will be sending out a bike/walker permission letter soon after break to emphasize safe practices when students start riding their bikes to schools now that the bike path is officially open.

Sherry did a great job of speaking to the 6th grade students about spanish opportunities that they have next year.  Making a decision between Spanish for 2 years or study skills can be a tough decision and now they are informed!

I'm going to try this challenge after spring break.  Anybody want to try it with me?

I hope that everyone has a wonderful spring break and gets to enjoy the time with their family and friends.

Friday, March 10, 2017


The 5th Grade Team did an awesome skype with Evergreen teacher Julie M who is in El Salvador right now.  They were able to ask a ton of questions and learn a lot about the country and culture.

Good luck to our Basketball Teams as the girls play in the SWAC Tournament this weekend.

Also, good luck to Alex Oda and 5th Grader Lam Truong as they enter the State Chess tournament in Normal IL this weekend.

UC Berkeley will erase more than 20,000 online lectures due to Justice Department Accessibility Order.  Interesting article on a tough problem.

Please remember to turn in your extra duty sign-up form for next year.  In my mailbox or email is ok.

Also, please review the end of year purchasing deadlines that were outlined in an email I sent out this week.

Please make sure that you get any important dates to Ellen T so she can get them on the "school calendar".  Thanks

How 5 post-it notes can make you Happy Confident and Successful

Please remember that PI Day is Tuesday.  Sign up now.

This one will take some extra time, but carve some out to check it out:  Highlights the most important research on teaching from the past year:

Good luck to the 8th grade team at their reward trip today.  It is a good reminder that most of our students are doing what they are supposed to do academically and behaviorally.

A good reminder that the struggle is necessary.

Thanks to everyone for participating in our Learning Meeting Discussion on the Master Schedule. I really do think it was a valuable conversation that helped us understand questions and misunderstandings.   I'm sure we will find a solution that helps kids and relies on our teaching strengths.