Friday, August 26, 2016


I want to thank all staff for the great start of the school year, between meetings, a great motivational skype and the friendly interactions among ourselves, it has been a very positive kickoff to the beginning of school.

53 ways to check for understanding

Thanks to Karen and Ellen for the outstanding food throughout the institute days.  The snacks and meals give everyone the right energy and nourishment they need to get through the first two long days.

700 free audio books, mostly classics:

Here are the band cabinets that Luke M built for the band room.  A pretty spectacular Eagle Project!

10 Non-standard ideas about going back to school:

Our new staff has really hit the ground running...April, Matthew, Kim, Jordan, Jennifer, Megan, and Jignasa have already started displaying their talents and how they are adding to our great staff.  Thanks for all of the hard work in a short transition period.

5 ways to make the most of your non-teaching times:
Two young adults wearing backpacks are walking outside, laughing, with jackets in their hands.

A big shout out to Lynette and Jen for allowing us to use their PE time to get pictures and the magazine sale presentations finished this week.

Thanks to Mark and Colleen for running the 6th Grade Outdoor Ed meeting last night.  Getting the parents to feel comfortable in sending their 6th grade sons and daughters on a multi-day overnight trip takes special skills.  Being with 6th grade boys and girls on a multi-day overnight trip takes a different set of special skills!  :)

Digital Citizenship Roundup:  Lots of Resources here.

I will be sending out an email today to everyone on evaluation cycle.  Please stop by if you have questions about student growth, the evaluation cycle in general or the alternative evaluation program.

Hilarious video baby imitates Rocky 2 to perfection:

Thank you to all teachers with homeroom classes for making you students be quiet and listen during announcements, there is a lot of important information going out at this time.  

10 motivational posters to download for your classroom.
I Teach. What's Your Superpower? classroom poster

Just a reminder to grade levels that Monday is the first Newsletter turn in date.  Please go to Ellen with any questions.

Thought Provoking What is Wrong with Our Culture by Alan Watts

A big thank you to Greg and Ellen who are doing a million things behind the scenes to make everything technology function in a fast and proper way.  

Curriculum night, and meeting schedules went out yesterday.  Thanks for "being there" and giving your best.

Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater.
Gail Godwin

I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
Noel Coward (1899 - 1973)