Thursday, May 19, 2016


The Choir and Band Concert Wednesday night was a huge success.  The kids sounded great, Melissa and John did a tremendous job and Mark C made a surprise visit with his wife and family.  He conducted one last song, spoke before the crowd and was given a standing ovation.  Mark deserves a lot of credit for building the band program to the level it is today and for his love of students.  He will be missed.

Thanks to everyone for having a sense of humor at Wednesday's staff meeting as I gave out the first Annual Benjamin Awards of Appreciation.  My words and humor underline my admiration for the great job you have done this year.

How to avoid burnout at the end of the year:
A blond, short-haired man is kneeling in a garden, gardening. It's sunny outside, and he's wearing glasses, a blue, plaid, button up shirt rolled up at the sleeves, and beige khaki shorts.

Congratulations to the Benjamin Track team.  Coach Courtney, Bill and Abby worked hard all season and our students came away with many individual and even some conference records at the conference track meet on Tuesday.

Good luck to Coach Tylk and Thill and the girls soccer team at the conference Soccer Tournament this Saturday.

Teacher Travel Grants and Fellowship Opportunities:
A woman in a black tank top and sun glasses on her head is outside, smiling. Behind her is a brown river filled with wooden boats.

I will be attending the groundbreaking ceremony for the Fair Oaks/West Branch bike trail.  It will be nice to see the progress start to happen on this project.

Congratulations to Lynette for scoring another grant.  Thanks for spending the extra time to get those funds for our school.

I haven't watched all of them yet, but 8 videos to encourage girls in Stem.

Thanks to Melissa L, Danielle and Adrienne for conducting the first round of the band interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday.  We have some great candidates coming in to play with our band students on Tuesday and Thursday of next week.

I know everyone is looking forward to celebrating Pat's retirement today after school. (Don't worry she is going to still come to work for the next two weeks) A special thank you to Ellen for opening up her home for the celebration. Also thanks to the social committee of Chris, Lauren and Ellen for organizing the event.

Steve Job's Stanford Commencement Speech:  How to Live before you Die

Thursday, May 12, 2016


Thanks to Greg and the 5th and 8th grade teachers for implementing the new science test this morning.  It will be neat to see the types of questions students need to answer as you are supervising their test administration.

Thanks to Michelle F for giving all of the Parcc re-takes.  It is a thankless but important job. Thank you!

Cool Rube Goldberg Video

Thanks to Sherry for having her stem students put on the Sphero presentations yesterday.  It was cool seeing them working hard to figure out all of the kinks in the hallway and multi-purpose room over the last two weeks.

Lynette and Lynn have gathered Benjamin's top talent to put on a show for you this morning.  We will call classes down at 9:30.  It was neat to get a sneak preview at the rehearsal yesterday afternoon.

Disney Institute 1 minute Video on Innovation

If the PTA teacher luncheon at Evergreen this afternoon is anything like last year we will be experiencing an awesome day of food with great conversations.

Speaking of conversations, the articulation that happens on this day is so important in setting the stage for a successful school year next year.  thanks for your preparation and attention at these meetings.

Thanks to Dureen, Matt and the Lady Bengal water warriors who have been braving the elements to bring home victories.  Thanks to Tom, Juan and Frank for doing their best to prep the fields in advance.

Thanks to Lauren D and Jackie for coming to the PTA meeting Tuesday night and delivering a neat video thank you from the entire 6th grade team to the PTA for helping to fund the 6th grade field trip.
Teacher writes encouraging message on desks before exam.  If you copy this idea, don't use sharpies!

Photo published for Teacher Writes Uplifting Notes On Students' Desks To Boost Confidence Before Exam

Thanks to Mike D and Angela who will be the primary teacher and substitute for our new IMSA stem class next year called Take Flight.  It will be for 8th grade students and will replace the 8th grade modules in Mike's class.  All of the training and materials for the class will be provided by IMSA.

Speaking of IMSA , it is not too late to sign up for the summer academy featuring PBL,

Article and resources on the Maker Movement
Next time you are thinking you don't have enough time to do something you need or want to do, remember, you have all of the time that there's what you decide to do with the time that you have.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Thank you.
                                                                A World without Teachers

If I Knew Then: A letter to myself on my first day of teaching.

Kid President: Pep Talk to Teachers

Why Teachers Matter

What Teachers Make

Everyone Needs a Champion

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